NearShore Technology Reveals the Top 5 UX Design Trends in 2020

Software design is driven more every day by innovation in the rapidly changing field of user experience design. Competitive designers understand the value of specialized and highly functional UX design in every project. In this article, NearShore Technology discusses five of the fastest-growing UX design trends in 2020. 

1. Computational Design Using AI Is Growing Rapidly
Although the parameters of high-quality UX are not hard to understand, the actual design process often takes up enormous time and resources when human designers must choose from virtually unlimited on-screen options. Computational design uses AI technology to move human design tasks from building things that are useful to people to designing software that makes design choices and significantly streamlines overall development for us. With computational design handling design decisions regarding options that can be prototyped and tested, human designers can focus on larger design concepts and problems. Routine component design and installation will continue to be handled more often by AI that can efficiently make choices in the same way that humans do, but much faster and more efficiently.
2. The Demand For UX Specialists Is Increasing
Design teams are growing as all industries are placing more emphasis on integrated UX. Larger tech companies are hiring and training UX specialists who are experts in project management and company style guides. UX designers are also expected to be data experts and to work on highly technical levels with data engineers and scientists. Development teams are more increasingly including UX managers involved directly with research, development, engineering, and overall marketing and customer relations. The current trend toward UX specialization applies to small and medium companies just as it does to the tech giants.
3. Virtual Reality Tech Is Becoming More Critical To Efficient UX Development
VR has been at the forefront of progress in the gaming industry over recent years. Those advances are finding their way into all types of software products. In the coming years, more and more products will depend on the successful response to customer demand for VR interaction with programs and processes. Early adaptation to include more and more VR capabilities is leading the way in 2020 UX design. New VR hardware consoles are expected from Sony and Microsoft this year, and the virtually unlimited possibilities for enhanced UX is sending strong signals to design and development firms to aggressively pursue VR technology inclusion into new products. 
4. Storytelling Is Essential to UX
Customers expect exceptional storytelling for their users more than ever, and UX is now expected to be based on providing an enjoyable story as the centerpiece of quality UX. This core expectation will leave design and development firms that do not avoid frustrating or plain boring UX behind...
