How to Control your Anger – Anger Management Tips

Feeling emotions is a natural phenomenon and a healthy human trait. However, emotions can be pretty overwhelming at times, because they lead you to act in certain ways that end up being dangerous to not only the ones around you but also yourself. What is important is not to stop feeling negative emotions like anger or grief, but to deal with these emotions in a positive manner.

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Learning to manage your anger actually makes you an emotionally stronger person, who’s more in tune with their mental sanity and emotional needs. It lends you a sense of control in the life that not only helps you achieve great things but also remain happy and content with what you possess. Here are the top 10 recommended ways to manage your anger: 
1. Be careful how you respond
Effective anger management occurs when you follow the 9-second rule, in determining your fight or flight responses. When your body is exposed to a crisis or stress , the first physiological reaction in your brain determines whether you’d flee the situation or confront it. People with anger management issues, of course, take the route of flight. Experts suggest that when you’re angered by an event or an action you’ve no control over, you must take a deep breath and not respond in the first 9 seconds.
After these minuscule moments have passed, your brain can calm down and respond in a composed manner. The first 9 second responses are very disruptive. Hence, if you’re angered, it is best to talk after you think, and not reacting right away to your anger generating source, is a great place to begin with.
2. Once you’ve calmed down, acknowledge and express your anger
Effective anger management does not entail repressing your anger. Repressing your emotions can have far-reaching consequences for your mental health. And, as the great Sigmund Freud deduced in his works, the harder you repress something, the worse it returns. Once you’re in control of your actions, and you’ve not lashed out, express your anger to the person or people involved, but do so in an assertive manner. A confrontation approach usually does not help. You’ve to articulate your needs clearly and in a direct manner, keeping in mind not to hurt anyone else in the process.

3. Work it out, quite literally
As redundant it might sound, working out actually helps to be in tune with your emotions a lot more than you think. Physical exercises lend a certain sense of unwavering clarity to your mental health and reduces the stress you’re experiencing. So, if something angers you, going out for a run, or just a walk in the neighborhood would help you way more than you can imagine. Effective anger management techniques by experts often include participating in physical activities every day, so that you can enjoy the delight of a clear mind and controlled emotions.
