Add a QWERTY Keyboard to Your Next Project With This Handy Hack

Just about any project will require some sort of input device for the user to interact with it. Whether that’s a simple switch, sensor, or more advanced input, many of us will opt for a keyboard as our preferred method of electronic interaction.
This BB Q10 Keyboard in PMOD format offers a simple and efficient way to add a full QWERTY keyboard to your next project. It uses an ATSAMD20 chip to poll the keyboard and relay key presses into a FIFO. An I2C interface also lets you read the FIFO, configure the chip, and control the backlight. Key information can be obtained via polling or interrupts. The firmware and protocols are readily available .
This particular keyboard also minimizes the pins needed to interface with it, bringing the number down from 12 to 2 or 3, based on interrupt usage. Keep in mind that the keyboard itself isn’t included by default, but can be added to the purchase on the store page if you don’t want to source one yourself.
When all is said and done, this relatively simple kit lets you quickly add a full keyboard to your projects without too much hassle.
The post Add a QWERTY Keyboard to Your Next Project With This Handy Hack appeared first on Tindie Blog .
