PANTONE Validated 3D Printing with PolyJet Technology

Gone are the days of simple monochromatic 3D printing. Now, more than ever, we need a single language to connect product designers to model makers to ensure that prototypes look just as they were intended, and the PANTONE color scheme is the key for creating products and prototypes with 100% color specificity! This allows manufacturers to visualize the exact color of their products or prototypes, and to match their colors to brand or product guidelines as needed. For the past decade, we have seen how the 3D printing industry has evolved to full and multi-color printing and how today, there are multiple PolyJet 3D printers capable of creating full-color, high-accuracy parts with the PANTONE colors. In this article, we explore the different PolyJet 3D printers that can print using the PANTONE matching system (PMS).
