How to publish the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) with Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)

The Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) enables the IT administrator to remotely manage the (local) domain with tools like “Active Directory Users and Computers”, “DNS” and “Group Policy Management”. You can install RSAT locally on a Windows device, but to use the tools, you still need to be connected to the local network or, if you are working remotely, setup a VPN connection first. With Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) you can easily publish all the Remote Server Administration Tools. This will give the IT administrator the flexibility to use the tools from any location without the need to setup a VPN connection first. With the Remote Desktop client, the Remote Server Administration Tools even integrate with the local Start Menu on Windows 10 devices. In this blog I will show you how to publish the most common Remote Server Administration Tools, the most Tools are pretty straight forwards, but some tools needs a workaround to get them working properly. Step 1 – Install the Remote Server Administration Tools on a Windows 10 Host pool I have created a Windows Virtual Desktop Host pool specially for IT Administrator in my environment that contains only one VM. If you want deploy multiple VMs with RSAT installed on it, you can consider to install the RSAT in a managed image for easy deployment via the Shared Image Gallery (SIG). For now, I will install RSAT directly on the VM. Login as Administrator to the Windows 10 (Multi-Session) VM to install RSAT. Open Settings and click Apps Click Optional features Click Add a feature When you scroll down you can find all the RSATs that can be installed on this VM. Select the RSAT you want and click Install After the installation is complete you can find the tools in the Windows Administrative Tools folder. Step 2 – Create an Application group and publish the Windows Administrative Tools How that all the Windows Administrative Tools are installed within the Windows Virtual Desktop Host pool, we can publish them. Login to the Microsoft Azure Portal and go to Windows Virtual Desktop. Open the Application groups blade and click + Add Select your Subscription and the Resource group you want to use. Next, select the Host pool where the Windows Administration Tools are installed on. Select RemoteApp as Application group type and give this Application group a name (in my case I will give it the name RSAT). Click Next: Assignments Select the Azure AD Security group to assign this WVD Application Group and click Next: Applications Click + Add applications. As Application source, select File path I have created the list below for the most common Windows Administrative Tools with the information on how to publish them. Active Directory Administrative Center Application path : C:windowssystem32dsac.exe Application name : Active Directory Administrative Center Icon path : C:windowssystem32dsacn.dll Icon index : 0 Required command line : No Active Directory Domains and Trusts Application path :...
