5 Yoga Poses To Boost Your Immune System 

The human immune system is an inbuilt system that helps us to keep disease-causing germs, bacteria and other harmful microbes at bay. It protects our body from such pathogens by identifying their type and fighting against them naturally, with the in-built mechanism. In scientific terms, it can be defined as a complex system comprising of cells and proteins that defends the body against infections and diseases. When the immune system fail to function it can lead to allergies, autoimmune disorders and immunodeficiencies. It is said to have an intelligence of its own where it identifies the microbes that enter the body to defeat it accordingly. And, lest the microbe tries to re-enter the body it can stop it on its tracks so that it can cause no further harm by attaching and multiplying. Since the immune system plays a major role in helping maintain our health and sustenance, we must work towards enhancing its performance by consuming healthy food, making positive lifestyle changes and boosting it through natural means. In this article, we will discuss how yoga can help boost our immunity .

What Comprises the Human Immune System
Let us take a detailed look at the different parts of the immune system:

White Blood Cells – White blood cells are part of the lymphatic system and they move throughout the body hunting for harmful microbes to attack and destroy. They are an important part of the immune system.

Complement System – this part of the immune system is made up of proteins and their task is to complement the work carried out by the antibodies.

Antibodies – the work of the antibodies is to identify the antigens on the microbes and then fight them off of the human system. Many cells, proteins and chemicals actively part-take in this destructive attack towards the microbes and the toxins they produce.

Lymphatic system – This part consists of a delicate tube-network that runs throughout the body consisting of lymph nodes, lymph vessels and white blood cells. They perform a series of important roles of the immune system.

Spleen – The function of the spleen is to make the components required to fight diseases, removes damaged red blood cells as well as it acts as a filter that gets rid of microbes.

Bone marrow – The function of the bone marrow is to produce the RBCs to transport oxygen, the WBCs that fights infections as well as produce the platelets required for our blood to clot.

Thymus – This part actively monitors and filters contents of the blood and also produces WBCs known as T-lymphocytes.

Why Is It Important To Boost The Immune System
Every day we come into direct or indirect contact with bugs and microbes of all sorts. It could be transmitted to us through people we meet daily, through pets, at the workplace, the outdoor environment at large, you name it! A person with a healthy immune system may surpass any threat from...
