New survey launches to discover the effect of COVID-19 crisis on those with sight loss

Eye research charity Fight for Sight has launched a survey to gather broader insights into the personal impact that Covid-19 is having on people with sight loss and eye conditions.
The charity is inviting those affected by sight loss or an eye condition to participate in the survey to help its campaign on behalf of people with sight loss and strengthen the case for urgently needed eye research funding.
The survey will examine the impact that Covid-19 is having on people’s access to treatment, personal wellbeing and concerns for the future.
At the beginning of 2020, Fight for Sight carried out one of the largest surveys of people with sight loss and blindness to understand the personal impact of sight loss. With the advent of Covid-19, the charity is following up with further research to gain insight on how the pandemic has had an impact.
All results will be published later in 2020, says the charity.
Sherine Krause, Chief Executive at Fight for Sight, said: “This is a challenging time for everyone, but we know from anecdotal evidence that the current pandemic and lockdown is having a particularly harsh effect on those living with eye conditions and sight loss.
“We know that science ultimately has the answer to so many challenges – the power of science will help us stop the pandemic in the coming months, and we are working to ensure it will also help us stop sight loss and blindness in the future. We urgently need the input of those affected so that we can understand how they have been impacted by Covid-19 and campaign on their behalf.
“The findings will also help us to make the case for the importance of eye research now and in the future.”
According to the charity, eye research was significantly underfunded before the coronavirus outbreak, with only one per cent of national research funding invested into eye research, even though twenty per cent of people in the UK will experience serious sight loss or blindness in their lifetime.
The problem is also on the increase states the charity, with figures showing that the number of people in Europe with the leading cause of blindness, age-related macular degeneration, is projected to hit 10 million by 2050.
Participation in the survey involves an online questionnaire in which respondents answer questions on how Covid-19 has impacted their lives and will take no more than ten minutes to complete.
To participate in the survey, individuals must be aged 18 or over, living in the UK and personally have an eye condition(s).
Those wishing to be involved can take part using this link .
It comes as the University of East Anglia has recently launched an online study to investigate the impact that the coronavirus lockdown is having on those with joint, muscle and back pain .
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