Learn Arduino with This Hands-on Training Kit

Sometimes the best way to learn something is through hands-on training. Training kits can provide users with a better understanding and the opportunity to practice new skills. The Myduino IoT Kit is a training kit that was created to help users learn Arduino.
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that is widely used for all types of projects. The Myduino IoT Kit is an enhanced Arduino training kit that’s perfect for people who want to learn more about working with Arduino and the Internet of Things (IoT).
Each kit includes an instructional book,  Learning Arduino: From Zero to Hero , as well as the following hardware and accessories.

Arduino Nano
65 Arduino Jumper Wires (Male to Male)
220 Ohm Resistor
10k Potentiometer
16×2 LCD Display
Bluetooth HC-05 Port
DHT 11 (Humidity and Temperature Sensor)
Light Sensor
LM35 (Analog Temperature Sensor)
NodeMCU (Arduino WiFi Compatible Board)
Passive Buzzer
Push Button
Radio HC-12 433MHz Port
Real-Time Clock
Small Breadboard and Arduino Shield Footprint
USB Cable (Type A to Micro)

Everything you need to jump into learning Arduino is all packaged together and organized in this educational kit, so you can get started right away!
The post Learn Arduino with This Hands-on Training Kit appeared first on Tindie Blog .
