How to Place Components in KiCad

In our previous tutorial, we demonstrated how to set up design rules in KiCad , which included how to create a netlist and how to import it to the board file. Today, we will show you how to place components in KiCad. We will also cover how to define your PCB outline.

Here we have created a circuit that converts and transfers data from USB to controller. FTDI chip is used to convert the differential pair output from USB circuit to 8-bit data, which is fed to the controller. The process is controlled by Atmega328P controller. Circuits are shown below:

The important sections are marked in the above picture, 

USB connector
Differential pair output connection between USB to FTDI chip
8-bit output pins
Control pins

The controller circuit is shown below:

Controller circuit of the USB

Let’s now assume that this is the circuit we are working on. Here, you can see a USB connector and a differential pair which is going to this chip. These eight data pins and four control lines here all go to the controller. The controller is powered using a 9V input that is converted to 5V using a regulator. We have already created a netlist using the Generate netlist option. From our netlist, we have imported all the components in the board file. 
Watch how to generate a netlist in KiCad !

All components from the schematic

These are all the components from the schematic. We have set all the rules, such as the track widths and vias we will require. Right now, the grid is set to 50 mils but it should be at 5 mils, which is normally the grid setting when you need to place components in KiCad. Before doing the placement, we need the board outline, so let’s define the edges of the board. Keep the grid at 100 mils so it is easy to draw the outline. 
To set up your board, please follow the procedure:

Board setup icon on the top toolbar

Click on the board setup icon to set your board > a window will pop up > you can configure your text, net classes, tracks, vias and solder mask here.

We have selected a 62-mil thick 4-layer board. Layer 2 is ground, Layer 3 is power, and the top and bottom are signal layers. In Net Classes, we have set the differential pair widths and gaps to 8 mils. There are two types of power: USB power and regulator power. And we have set all the different net tracks over here.  We have set the solder mask clearance to zero. We are now good to go with the placement. 
How to draw the board outline
Before we show you how to place components in KiCad, it is necessary to draw the board edge. On the right-hand side, click Add Graphic Lines. Now you can see all the board layers. Select the edge cuts layer. You need to draw the exact board edge that will be cut during manufacturing. So you have selected the edge cuts layer and the grid is at...
