10 Reasons To Use ReactJS For Enterprise App Development

Incorporating an application that fits your enterprise’s needs can increase productivity, employee satisfaction, and uplifts the work efficiency. According to TechRepublic , enterprises reported 35% ROI after investing in enterprise applications . Communication has vital importance when it comes to conveying the ideas, information, or forge new ones. Researches show that companies have seen a 47% improvement in their internal communication after using these applications .
After looking at the benefits of enterprise apps, it is clear that whether it’s a business, a government organization, a charity, or an interest-based user group, these apps can ease the functionalities and can hoist the satisfaction.
But, what base to use for developing a productivity app for your workplace! There are a number of evolving front-end development frameworks and libraries available that claim to offer mobile-first experiences, consumer-grade simplicity, and social media-level personalization for the apps.
When it comes to front-end development, most of the businesses or a majority of enterprise owners see Angular or Vue.js for building successful workspace apps. But, they forget to consider ReactJS, the most trending javascript library that can unleash all the potential of their enterprise app projects. 
There are numerous benefits and advantages of ReactJS that makes it the most suitable framework of all the time. Before digging the advantages, let’s explore the ReactJS first.

What is ReactJS?
JavaScript has gained huge popularity in the last decade. A lot of frameworks like Meteor, Ionic, Angular, PhoneGap, and many more are helping developers to develop complex applications. One of the most efficient, powerful, and open-source frameworks to design dynamic user-interfaces is Facebook’s ReactJS.
ReactJS came into existence in 2011 by “Jordan Walke” one of Facebook’s software engineers. This library is highly efficient, declarative and offers reusable modules. The developer community loves this library due to advantages of ReactJS that lets them develop complex frontend or UI of web applications.

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There are various successful applications of businesses from fortune 500 to startups that have been developed using ReactJS. Netflix, UberEats, PayPal, InstaCart, Reddit, and a lot more are the serene examples of this particular framework.
Advantages of ReactJS for Enterprise App Development
ReactJS is the future of UI or front-end development . It is an evolving framework that is getting refined day by day. You should put your investment in it! But, Why ReactJS?
Facebook’s ReactJS comes with a lot of benefits over other frameworks. Let’s explore 10 reasons to use ReactJS for enterprise app development projects.

Efficient & Intuitive Way of Web App Development

