What are the Basic Electronic Components in a PCB?

If a functional electronic device is compared to a human body then the PCB would be the skeleton/support framework and the PCB components would be the vital organs. Understanding the basic PCB components is essential to design electronic circuits that are highly efficient. Each component will have separate functions and imbue the circuit with unique features that enable the intended purpose of the device. 
We will cover the following topics in this article:

Basic PCB components of an electronic circuit
Passive PCB components
Active PCB components
Checking basic PCB components

To learn the function of basic PCB components used in circuits, you need to know what role the voltage and current play in the circuit.
What is voltage?
Voltage is the electromotive force that is represented by the potential difference in charge between two points in an electrical field. Voltage is directly proportional to the flow of current and can be direct or alternating and is measured in Volts (V). Also, you can also define alternating voltage in terms of cycles per second or frequency and is measured in Hertz (Hz).
A voltage generates an electrostatic field even if there is no movement of charge, or if there is no current flow. This field is directly proportional to the value of voltage at any given point in time.
What is current?
Current is a flow of electrical charge and is defined as the flow of electrons or electron-deficient atoms. There is DC or direct current which is the unidirectional flow of charge and AC or alternating current which is the flow of current that reverses the direction of flow, periodically. The flow of current through a medium usually produces magnetic and heating effects.
What are the basic PCB components of an electronic circuit?
PCB components can be passive or active based on function. Passive PCB components are components that don’t generate power but are able to store it or expend it such as resistors, capacitors, inductors and so on. Active PCB components are those that require power from an external source to function. For example, diodes and transistors. Components such as quartz crystals and relay can be either passive or active depending on usage.
An electrical circuit schematic can help recognize and communicate the PCB components used in a circuit. These circuit schematic diagrams represent different parts of the circuit. Straight lines denote wiring and connectors between components, zigzag lines representing resistors and parallel lines standing for capacitors and so on. 

Symbolic representation of PCB components

Basic PCB components can be classified as active or passive depending on their functions. The main difference between active and passive components is that active components add energy to a circuit...
