Partners Seek No-Cuff Blood Pressure Monitoring

Blood pressure is one of the most essential vital signs when it comes to monitoring a patient’s health. The traditional method is to use a pressure cuff on a patient’s upper arm and then listen to the sounds of blood flow as the pressure changes. The main limitation is that you have to apply the pressure every time you want to get a blood pressure measurement. The procedure can also be inconvenient and uncomfortable.

A better solution would be to have an inconspicuous wearable that can make continuous (or at least frequent) blood pressure readings without requiring intervention by the wearer. We have already reported on Valencell’s technology to measure blood pressure with an earbud . The system relies on light (PPG) and does not require calibration with a standard cuff device. Now a group of companies are working towards a different approach.

Companies from Australia, the U.S., and Germany announced a partnership to develop and commercialize a radar-based sensor to monitor blood pressure. Sydney’s CardiexX Ltd. , San Francisco-based Blumio , and Infineon Technologies headquartered in Neubiberg, Germany hope to have a non-invasive sensor for cuff-less wearable cardiovascular monitoring devices ready for market by 2021. Infineon, which acquired Cypress Semiconductor Corporation in April, is a global top 10 semiconductor company. Blumio develops AI technology and advanced algorithms for cardiovascular sensors. Cardiex is a digital health and technology company that focuses on solutions for large-scale population health conditions and disorders. Cardiex and Blumio have an ongoing wearables co-development partnership. Blumio and Infineon’s new partnership will develop products using Infineon’s XENSIV 60 GHz radar chipset and Blumio’s software and algorithms. The news release announcing the collaboration did not connect all the dots regarding the Cardiex role in this Blumio-Infineon partnership. However, Cardiex, produces the SphygmoCor XCEL device considered the gold standard for measuring central blood pressure, which uses Blumio sensors. It’s clear that if Infineon and Blumio are successful in developing radar-based sensor technology with accompanying AI to accurately monitor blood pressure, Cardiex will be the first customer in line.
