Apple leak tips iPhone 12 launch on September 10 – here's why that's unlikely

iPhone 12 mockup The iPhone 12 event could take place on September 10, if a quickly-removed ‘test’ video posted to Apple’s YouTube channel is taken at face value.
The video was spotted within multiple YouTube viewers’ ‘recommended’ feed and seems to preview an Apple event for 10/9/2020 (in the European date format), which will start at 18:15. The placeholder image for the event, sent to an  Apple Insider by UK-based reader, is for this year’s WWDC virtual event, but we wouldn’t read too much into that.
What we would read into is the date and time listed. September 10 is the date Apple close to launch the iPhone 11 range in 2019. So far so good, right? Wrong. This year September 10 is on a Thursday and Apple tends not to launch products on a Thursday.

The second red flag is the start time of 18:15. Assuming that’s a UK time, Apple events always start at 18:00 on the dot. So we’re not sure exactly what to make of this overall – other than September 10 at 18:15 is unlikely to be the date and time at which Apple launches the iPhone 12.
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The launch event may still be at the same time, but given the company has already admitted the iPhone 12 launch will be later than usual  it would make sense for the launch event to be later also.
During the company’s latest earnings call, Apple CFO Luca Maestri said the 2020 release schedule will fall back “a few weeks” beyond the traditional late September window. Maestri did not cite a reason for the delay, but it’s almost certainly down to production hold-ups caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced many high profile releases back throughout 2020.
The post Apple leak tips iPhone 12 launch on September 10 – here's why that's unlikely appeared first on Trusted Reviews .
