Learn Electronics With These 10 Simple Steps

Do you want to learn electronics, so that you can build your own gadgets?

There is a ton of resources on learning electronics – so where do you start?

And what do you actually need?

And in which order?

If you don’t know what you need to learn, you can easily waste a lot of time learning unnecessary things.

And if you skip some of the simple but crucial first steps, you’ll struggle with even the basic circuits for a long time.

If your goal is to be able to build your own ideas with electronics, then this checklist is for you.

Do you want this step-by-step checklist in PDF format to see the exact steps I recommend to learn electronics from scratch? Click here to download the checklist now >>

When you follow the checklist below, you will get up to speed fast – even if you have no experience from before.

While some of these steps might take you a weekend to tackle, others can be done in less than an hour – if you find the right teaching material.

Start by reading through all the steps all the way to the end to get an overview.

Next, decide what teaching material you will use to tackle each step.

Then start to learn electronics.

Step 1: Learn the Closed Loop

If you don’t know what is needed for a circuit to work, how can you build circuits?

The very first thing to learn is the closed loop .

It’s essential to make a circuit work.

After finishing this step you should know how to make a simple circuit work. And you should be able to fix one of the most common mistakes in a circuit – a missing connection.

This is simple, but necessary knowledge to have when learning electronics.

Step 2: Get a Basic Understanding of Voltage, Current and Resistance

Current flows, resistance resists, voltage pushes.

And they all affect each other.

This is important to know to learn electronics properly.

Understand how they work in a circuit and you will have this step nailed.

But, there’s no need to dive deep into Ohm’s law – this step can be learned through simple cartoons.

After finishing this step, you should be able to look at a very simple circuit and understand how the current flows and how the voltage is divided among the components.

Step 3: Learn Electronics By Building Circuits From Circuit Diagrams

No need to wait no more – you should start building circuits now. Not just because it’s fun, but also because this is what you want to learn to do well.

If you want to learn to swim, you have to practice swimming. It’s the same with electronics.

After finishing this step you should know how circuit diagrams work and how to use a breadboard to build circuits from them.

You can find free circuit diagrams for almost anything online – radios, MP3...
