Need Ad Copy? Just Add Computer Vision and AI

Singapore-based Hypotenuse AI has a new tool that creates instant product descriptions using computer vision and AI.


The AI tool works by intensely studying a product image and instantly generating a text description.

“We can do this really quickly — we can generate thousands of them (product descriptions) within seconds,” says Hypotenuse AI founder Joshua Wang.

The tool’s prowess is a testament to the rapid advance of AI-generated writing during the past year, according to Wang.

“One year ago a lot of the things that we are doing now were not even possible,” Wang says. “And some of the things that we see are becoming possible today — we didn’t expect it for one or two years’ time.” I n other AI-generated writing news:

* eBay Scores Big With AI-Generated Writing: eBay is seeing more clicks and a better bang-for-its-copywriting-buck since switching to AI-generated writing, according to this sponsored content in eMarketer.

Specifically, the world’s biggest flea market uses AI from Phrasee to auto-generate subject heads for its email marketing campaigns.

“We needed a creative technology solution that offered scalability, but also reflected the brand’s voice and adapted to the constantly changing behaviors and preferences of our audience,” says Justine Del Greco, marketing manager, global CRM at eBay.

The result: “we’ve seen significant engagement and ROI uplift ever since,” Del Greco says.

*Quick Study: Making the Most of AI-Generated Writing Tools in Your Online Store: Margaret Kashuba offers an extremely informed look at what AI-generated writing and similar tools can do for your online business.

Kashuba is chief marketing officer at Owox BI, a marketing analytics service.

Kashuba’s overarching advice: Be very picky when bringing in AI: “There are numerous applications, services, and programs created on these technologies, but not all of them are equally applicable to online retailers,” Kashuba says.

*Integration or Replacement?: An Academic Investigation Into AI’s Impact on Journalism: Scholars from Saudi Arabia and Palestine conclude AI will not steal jobs from journalists in coming years.

“On the contrary, humans will remain the controllers and supervisors of AI and would benefit of these technologies to do their work fast, accurate and more efficient,” the scholars write.

They add: “After all, the human mind is a sacramental secret. “Our relationship with words is a unique and profound relationship — no robot can go through the authorship experience.”

*AI Journalism: An Arab Perspective: Samya Ayish, a teaching fellow with the Google Initiative, looks at AI and journalism from an Arab perspective.

The video – translated into English — includes how AI is automating the production of news in the Arab world.

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