Voice Dream Reader and Voice Dream Scanner Apps – At Home Special Bundle Price!

Voice Dream At Home Bundle Sale

Voice Dream Reader app (iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad; Android ) has been a long-standing favorite reading app offering text to speech and many customization settings to support individuals with a disability. As a mobile reading app, its advanced and customized settings make it a versatile e-learning tool, managing a variety of document formats, high quality text to speech voices and customization of the size, color, font and spacing of the print. The developer, Winston Chen has continually upgraded Voice Dream Reader to support the needs of individuals with reading challenges for individuals with print disabilities.

The companion app, Voice Dream Scanner  ( Android ), developed just a year or so ago, provides OCR scanning capabilities for documents and instant access with text to speech or direct sharing OCR documents directly to Voice Dream Reader app. Recent upgrades to Voice Dream Scanner app allow quick processing of text and reading text automatically. Voice Dream Scanner app also includes features such as language detection, a “ScanTone” tool with AI technology, auditory feedback of recognizable text, angles, and document edges when using the camera. Other scanning features include auto and batch scanning, turning light lighting on/off, selecting and editing the scanned text.  Used as a self-standing app or companion to Voice Dream Reader, this app provides access to print for struggling and typical readers. I use Voice Dream Reader to listen to articles while traveling often due to the long (boring) hours spent in the car.

Bonus Special Price During COVID
Currently, the Voice Dream Read At Home bundle is offered in the Apple App Store for 9.99, with Voice Dream Reader and Voice Dream Scanner app bundled together (origninally 15.98) during the COVID Pandemic. A great deal if you are considering buying both apps.  The Voice Dream Reader and Scanner Android apps do not appear to be offered in a discounted bundle at this time.
Voice Dream Reader app is a highly recommended app that can benefit anyone. I recommend this app for individuals with learning disabilities, low vision and as aforementioned, as a typical reader, I use this app to listen or read documents when traveling, running or working around the house.
For more information or tutorials on features of the app, visit Voice Dream Reader.com for more information on these apps.
Stay at home and stay safe!
Carol- OT’s with Apps and Technology
