What is Tableau Prep?— Tableau Prep Tutorial

Once you collect all the required data, you will realize that the data is diverse and mixed up. Everything is tracked differently across different files. There are even separate files that are from a specific category that is all the data for just a single year. Sorting through all of that can seem extremely confusing and difficult but Tableau Prep can help take care of this. You will learn about everything there is to know about Tableau Prep in this tutorial.

What is Tableau Prep?
Tableau Prep Builder Download and Installation
Tableau Prep Tutorial

Check out this Tableau Training for the Beginners video tutorial:


What is Tableau Prep?

Tableau Prep helps with the cleaning, shaping, and organization of data before it can be analyzed. It can gather a considerable amount of data from varied sources and transform them. Its simple drag-and-drop features quickly streamline the complicated tasks of pivots, unions, joins, aggregate, etc. Once the data is clean, it can be subsequently used in the Tableau Prep output as the data source for Tableau Desktop for analysis.

There are sample datasets included in Tableau Prep like the Sample Superstore that you can use to create a flow for Please note that the latest version of Tableau Prep Builder will be used here. Results may vary for previous versions.


Tableau Prep Builder Download and Installation

To download and install Tableau Prep Builder, you will need a Creator product key and the installer. Go to the Customer Portal for the most latest and updated version of Tableau Prep Builder.

The installer can be downloaded from the Product Downloads section according to your operating system. You will get the installers from the Product Downloads and Release Notes page. There is also a free trial version available.

Please note that Tableau Prep Builder is specifically built to work with Tableau Desktop. So, make sure to install it on the same system that runs Tableau Desktop and not the one that is running Tableau Server. Tableau Server Resource Manager (SRM) cannot differentiate between the Tableau Prep protocol server process and the Tableau Server protocol server process. SRM may end the protocol server process of Tableau Prep Builder in case the computer resources are exhausted, and this does not have a recovery mechanism.

Tableau Prep Builder automatically creates a My Tableau <application> Repository folder structure in the documents folder. If you want to move this repository to another location, you can specify the desired location and point Tableau Prep Builder to the new folder. However, changing the location does not move the files in the original repository.

Learn all about Tableau in the Tableau Certification offered by Intellipaat.


Tableau Prep Tutorial

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