Community Highlights: 10th edition

Oh yeah! This is already the 10th edition of the Home Assistant Community Highlights!
Some interesting things popped up around our community, we thought was worth sharing.
Do you want to share something for the next edition? Information on how to share .
Apexcharts Card
Would you like to map data in graphs? Then you should definitely try the new
ApexCharts card from RomRider ,
the graphs in this card are based on the ApexChartsJS and that looks pretty cool.

If you would like to stay informed of the developments, you could also follow
this topic on our forum.
Home Assistant switch panel
Last week, amauryverschooren shared his
own version of a HA Switch Plate, so that you can operate your Home Assistant via
a physically small touch panel, which you can place in a specific room, for example.

Lovelace dashboard inspiration
Still looking for some new inspiration for your Lovelace dashboards? Last week we
came across some beautiful Lovelace dashboards on our Home Assistant subreddit
page of swake88 . Who knows, there might be something fun for you to make.
You can find here the related Reddit topic.
Home Assistant - Feb 2021
Which card in Lovelace are you most proud of? Share it with us!
Hidden garage
Do you have a vacuum cleaning robot but you don’t know where to place the charging
station? Maybe you can hide these behind a plinth, like what ialex87 did.

My vacuum hidden garage under the kitchen from r/homeassistant

Got a tip for the next edition?
Have you seen (or made) something awesome, interesting, unique, amazing,
inspirational, unusual or funny, using Home Assistant?
Click here to send us your Community Highlight suggestion .
Also, don’t forget to share your creations with us via Social Media:

Twitter it! Be sure to mention @home_assistant

Share it on our Facebook group

Post it to our subreddit

Tag @homeasssistant on Instagram
Or via chat, drop us a line in the #lounge at Discord

See you next edition!
