Writing’s Future: Playing Nice With AI Robots

*Writers looking to stay employed in future years will want to invest significant time learning how to play nice with AI-generated writing robots, according to Joanna Penn.
She’s a writing, publishing and book marketing consultant who also hosts a number of podcasts catering to writers.
Says Penn, paraphrasing a favorite guru, Kevin Kelly:
“This is not a race against the machines.
“If we race against them, we lose.
“This is a race with the machines.
“You’ll be paid in the future based on how well you work with robots.
“It is inevitable: Let the robots take our jobs and let them help us dream-up new work that matters.”
Check-out Penn’s other insights on AI in, “Writing in an Age of Artificial Intelligence: Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast with Orna Ross and Joanna Penn.”
The podcast runs 44 minutes and is also available in written transcript form at the same link.
I n other AI-generated writing news:
*Online Summit February 24: AI and Public Relations: Online virtual meeting Provoke North America will include a special focus February 24 on how PR pros can use AI to get more media exposure for clients.
Speakers will examine how AI and robots are changing public relations — as well as how AI can be used to pitch news reporters and identify story angles.
Featured speakers are:
~Sarah Bruning Meron, VP of corporate communications, IBM
~John Seabrook, author of The New Yorker article, “Can a Machine Learn to Write?”
~Aaron Kwittken, chairman, KWT Global, a PR firm
*2021 Study: With AI, Marketers Need to Up-Their-Game: A new study from the Marketing AI Institute finds that marketers’ lack of training and education in AI is holding back the tech’s adoption in the industry.
Specifically, 50% of marketers surveyed rated their understanding of AI at the beginner level.
And another 37% rated their understanding as intermediate.
Says Paul Roetzer, CEO, Marketing AI Institute: “Marketers see the power and potential of artificial intelligence to transform the marketing industry.
“But, it also demonstrates that we are just getting started in terms of understanding and adoption.”
*20 Ways AI Could Transform PR and Communications: Mike Kaput, a senior consultant at PR 20/20, has put together a handy, insightful list of how AI could change PR and communications.
Included on Kaput’s list are:
*Auto-production of news releases and media reports
*Auto speech-to-text conversion of talk at press conferences, media interviews, podcast episodes, conference presentations and the like
*Creation of custom story angles by public relations pros for journalists based on their interests, past coverage, personalities and trends
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