Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a new computing paradigm that harnesses the power of quantum mechanics to deliver the ultimate in parallel computing. It has the potential to tackle problems that conventional computing – even the world’s most powerful supercomputers – can’t quite handle. While this technology will be transformational for areas such as drug development, logistics optimization, and natural disaster prediction, we need to overcome many challenges – and pass many mile markers – on this incredible journey of discovery before it can be ready for mainstream business adoption and deliver broad societal impact. Intel is advancing its vision of quantum practicality in collaboration with leading industry and academic partners to bring quantum from the lab to commercial reality. Intel’s quantum computing research spans the complete stack – from qubits and algorithms research to control electronics and interconnects—required to make practical quantum computers for real-world applications a reality.
Intel Labs Day 2020
At Intel Labs Day 2020, Intel spotlighted research initiatives across multiple domains where its researchers are striving for orders of magnitude advancements to shape the next decade of computing. Themed “In Pursuit of 1000X: Disruptive Research for the Next Decade in Computing,” the event featured several emerging areas including integrated photonics, neuromorphic computing, quantum computing, confidential computing and machine programming. Together, these domains represent pioneering efforts to address critical challenges in the future of computing, and Intel’s leadership role in pursuing breakthroughs to address them. » All Intel Labs Day News
Quantum Computing News

Intel Debuts 2nd-Gen Horse Ridge Cryogenic Quantum Control Chip (News Byte) | Intel’s Horse Ridge II Streamlines the Complexity of Quantum Control Systems (Fact Sheet)

White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Department of Energy Announces the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee: Jim Clarke, director of quantum hardware in the Components Research Group at Intel, appointed as a member of the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee. (Energy.gov News Release)

Intel Collaborates with Argonne National Laboratory, DOE in Q-NEXT Quantum Computing Research (News Byte)

Intel and QuTech Demonstrate High-Fidelity ‘Hot’ Qubits for Practical Quantum Systems (News Byte)

Intel Introduces ‘Horse Ridge’ to Enable Commercially Viable Quantum Computers (News Byte)

What It Will Take to Make Quantum Computers Practical (Editorial)

The Race to Commercially-Viable Quantum Computing Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint (Editorial)

Intel Spotlights Research in Silicon Spin Qubits and Quantum Applications Development at American Physical Society  (News Byte)

Intel Drives Development of Quantum Cryoprober with Bluefors and Afore to...
