Web-Based Assistive Technology Continuing Education – Remote Training Opportunities for Winter 2021

Continuing Education for Assistive Technology

If you are a therapist or assistive technology specialist, keeping up to date with new equipment, current issues regarding AT services as well as completing required continuing education for certifications requires finding online learning resources due during the COVID Pandemic. With the demand for remote learning, many continuing education webinars and conferences are on line with some free and some offering CEU’s typically with live on line sessions.

Listed below are a few continuing education resources that might help you with updating your skills, getting new ideas for remote delivery of training and services or to gain needed CEU’s.

AT3 Center Webinar Listings for Januarys :

The AT3 Center has listing of Free AT Webinars – January 2021 curated by Eliza Anderson sharing AT Webinars for Adults and AT Webinars for K-12 and AAC. The webinars appear timely and interesting! Check the AT3 Center Blog for monthly new webinars and information as well as their Archives for past blog posts you may have missed. H/T to Eliza for her curating and sharing of AT information!

ATIA 2021 – AT Connected

The Assistive Technology Industry Association , known for its annual conference in Florida in January and February is bringing you virtual and remote learning with many options of virtual attendence in part or for the full conference. Scheduled for January 25-28 and February 1-4, 2021, offered each week in the following strands:

Augmentative & Alternative Communication

Vision & Hearing Technologies

Education & Learning

AT for Physical Access & Participation

Registration is offered for full conference registration, by strand, or single day. Free registration is also available CEU’s may not be provided.

Live presentations are available during the scheduled days of the ATIA conference, however recorded content is available until June 2021. More information on conference costs and sessions can be found at ATIA 2021: AT Connected Home .

Georgia Tech Tools for Life

Georgia Tech Tools for Life website offers AT related webinars with live scheduled webinars offering CEU’s for specific credentialing agencies. Recorded webinars are also available for review of past AT presentations. For current webinars and registration information as well as archived webinars visit this link: Georgia Tech Tools for Life Training .

TTAC – Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Centers (TTACs)

The TTAC has a search able data base of webshop titles pertaining to education and technnology. Digital/online courses are self paced or archived.

Pacer Center

The Pacer Center has been a leader in providing AT training and services for children. Online webinars are available...
