What Microsoft Mesh means for developers

Microsoft unveiled its new mixed-reality platform, Mesh, at its March 2021 Ignite event. The splashy launch didn’t go into significant technical detail though it did show shared, cross-platform, virtual and augmented experiences and a HoloLens-based avatar conferencing service. There was a lot to see but not a lot of information about how we’d build our own code or use the service.
Despite the lack of detail forthcoming at Ignite , it’s quite easy to make an educated guess about Mesh’s components. We’ve been watching Microsoft unveil most of the services needed to build Mesh during the last couple of years, and Mesh brings all those elements together, wrapping them in a common set of APIs and development tools. Unlike many other augmented-reality platforms, Microsoft has a lot of practical experience to build on, with lessons from its first-generation HoloLens hardware, its Azure Kinect 3D cameras , and the Mixed Reality framework built into Windows 10.
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