0.109: New integrations page and weather card, frontend lost weight.

Last week we wrote about the future of YAML . It raised quite a
bit of additional questions, so Phil and Rohan released
a special edition of the Home Assistant Podcast. In this episode, they talk with
Paulus about the changes announced.
Click here to listen to the Podcast
Home Assistant Core 0.109!
This release ships a lot of work that is not directly visible for the eye.
We have seen a lot of bug fixes, stability improvements and quality
improvements, which is really awesome! There’s more to this than meets the eye.
A new integration configuration page
Let’s start with something visible to the eye. As part of our configuration
layout overhaul, we started work on the integration page. The screen now shows
cards for every configured integration, and links to a filtered device and
entities pages instead of providing its own detail page with devices, options
and entities.
All options are now on the same card. And, you can now also rename an already
set up integration instance.

Screenshot of the new integration page.

Don’t the new logos look beautiful? A big thanks to all the people, who
have been working hard to complete our collection of logos and icons
the past few weeks. Almost 700! contributions have been processed!
Thanks to everybody for contributing, that is amazing! Special thanks to these
champs who did most of the heavy lifting: @adrianmihalko , @BradleyFord ,
@Klumper , @nldroid , @samrdev !
