Leaked Pixel 4a benchmark results make for very pleasant reading

Image Credit: @OnLeaks/91Mobiles Today hasn’t been a good-news day for Google Pixel division, but leaked benchmark for the Pixel 4a make for slightly more pleasant reading. phone’s latest results show it’s not a bad little performer.
The benchmark results compare the new model with the the Pixel 4 along with the Pixel 3 variants – and while the new 4a doesn’t quite match the performance on the full-fat Pixel 4 or the 3a XL, it does have a significantly better bench score than its direct predecessor (the Pixel 3a).
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YouTuber Julian Lusso is the source of the new benchmark results, but you can see a full breakdown in graph form on XDA developers . Interestingly, some of the results suggest that the 4a’s overall performance is not too distant from that of the Pixel 4 and the 3a XL, but the GPU performance on the 4a is noticeably worse than on these models.
That’s a minor disappointment, but the Pixel 4a did punch above its weight when it came to the CPU, memory and UX tests. And its battery capacity is surprisingly decent as well at 3080mAh. Hallelujah!
The Pixel 4 was slated for its terrible battery life, but Lusso’s video gives us hope that even though it’s not a powerhouse, the battery performance won’t be too disappointing.
When the phone was set to max brightness and volume and used to play continual videos, it managed to sustain the activity for 5 hours and 19 minutes before the battery dropped to 8%. In normal usage, its battery lasted for around eight hours.
As the tests were done using a prototype Pixel 4a model, it’s possible that the results will change slightly – but the above certainly gives us reason to hope that the 4a will be a decent mid-range phone from Google.
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In not so good news, it’s just been reported that Rick Osterloh, the head of Google’s hardware division, raised concerns about the Pixel 4’s terrible battery life before the phone’s launch in 2019, but nothing was done about it.
The same report has also revealed that one of the key figures behind the Pixel’s outstanding camera , Marc Levoy, quietly left Google earlier this year.
The post Leaked Pixel 4a benchmark results make for very pleasant reading appeared first on Trusted Reviews .
