Truly, what is up with Elon Musk

Elon Musk attends the Satellite 2020 Conference in Washington, DC, on March 9. | Yasin Ozturk/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Elon Musk declared he’s selling all his possessions, and Tesla’s stock price dropped 10% in a matter of minutes.

Elon Musk is playing some of his greatest — and most bizarre — hits: manipulating Tesla’s stock price , questioning the coronavirus pandemic , and being generally chaotic on Twitter .
On Friday, the South African-born entrepreneur fired off a series of missives on Twitter. He declared he’s selling all of his possessions and his home, again called to free America from coronavirus lockdowns , and said Tesla’s stock price is too high .

Tesla stock price is too high imo — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 1, 2020

Beyond the obvious “just what in the world is going on with Elon Musk” sentiment, Tesla investors are probably less than thrilled with his online adventures. The electric car company’s stock price dropped by about 10 percent.

Holy crap. How did @elonmusk time this stock call so well? He nailed it almost to the second. (Chart via @lorcanrk ) — Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) May 1, 2020

Well known for being unpredictable, Musk, 48, has a knack for injecting even more uncertainty into already uncertain times. Amid the coronavirus crisis, he’s been all over the map — he first said the panic over the global pandemic was dumb, then decided it was serious and wanted to help, and is now, like the protesters at state Capitols demanding an end to social distancing rules, calling for the country to be freed from protective measures.
Musk also got into hot water over tweeting about Tesla before and causing major moves in the price of its stock. He’s supposed to have some guardrails in place now around his social media activities , but apparently, the Tesla chief executive is not paying too much attention to them.
After his little tweetstorm on Friday, Musk noted that his girlfriend, the musician Grimes, is mad at him. Tesla investors probably are, too.

My gf @Grimezsz is mad at me — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 1, 2020

Some people speculated that Musk’s account had been hacked. It’s unclear if that’s the case. Twitter declined to comment on the tweets, and Tesla didn’t return a request for comment.
If this feels like déjà vu, it’s because it is
So here is the thing: It is possible that Musk is right that Tesla’s stock is overvalued. According to the Wall Street Journal , most analysts who follow the stock have it as a hold or a sell, meaning they’re not recommending buying it. Even with Friday’s dip, Tesla’s stock price was up about 70 percent year-to-date by the early afternoon.
That being said, Tesla has also reported a profit for three consecutive quarters, including its first-quarter earnings release, which came out this week and...
