5 Reasons Why Vinyl Is Better Than Digital for Music Lovers

There’s a reason music streaming services are so popular. Apps like Spotify and Apple Music allow you to access more music than you could ever listen to, all in a single app. They’re clearly the most convenient way to listen to music. However, that doesn’t make them the best option.
In most cases, vinyl is the best way to listen to music. The experience of putting a physical record on your vinyl record player, dropping the needle down, and enjoying listening to the music is unparalleled. Don’t believe us? Here are the reasons why you should listen to vinyl…
1. Your Taste in Music Will Improve

Music is subjective. The artists and songs I enjoy will likely differ from your favorite music. You probably remember the band or singer that made you first care about music, though. For most people, that won’t have been a Top 40 act. The charts are great for enjoyable audio—the kind you put on at a party or go to see on a night out with friends.
On the whole, chart music doesn’t make its way to vinyl. Some DJs use it, but modern pop music usually won’t be found in a music fan’s physical collection. Once you start delving into vinyl, you’ll uncover something that runs deeper than singles and chart success. A record isn’t a disparate collection of songs.
Instead, the track order will have been carefully considered so that the album flows well. This is especially the case with older records where the only way to listen to them was in order from Side A to Side B. Much like a good novel, the album makes sense as a whole. There will be standout tracks, and some will become your favorites, but the album itself will leave a mark, too.
You’ll get to experience the record as the artist intended. Playlists serve an important function, but they’ll usually jump between groups, songs, and even genres. Listening to an album is a cohesive statement from the musicians involved, and you’ll find yourself appreciating not just the songwriting, but their musicianship as well.
2. Record Buying Is an Experience

We won’t pretend there aren’t advantages to online shopping. Digital retail has made a wider range of goods available to us at lower prices, all from the comfort of our homes. However, shopping from your smartphone or computer doesn’t give the same experience as going to a store.
Although you can find vinyl available on Amazon and other large physical retailers, the format has been kept alive by independent record stores. Fans of these establishments are passionate and loyal to them. You can spend hours perusing the collections, holding the vinyl records in your hand, and studying the artwork and track listings.
Services like Spotify, YouTube Music, and Apple Music all use algorithms to recommend new artists and tracks to you. This version of music discovery is driven by the data these companies have. If fans of Artist A tend to listen to Artist C, then you’ll get recommended...
