Momentum builds for Australia’s first offshore wind proposal: consultation underway into Star of the South

While hundreds of thousands rallied for climate action across the country this September, momentum is building for Australia’s offshore wind proposal, with consultation underway into the Star of the South across Gippsland in Victoria.

Over the past fortnight public information sessions were held in Morwell, Lakes Entrance, Yarram, Woodside, Leongatha and Port Franklin about the next steps for the project. Yes 2 Renewables attended sessions in Morwell, Yarram and Woodside, which were well attended by workers, residents, farmers, and fishers from the region.

Gippsland climate blogger has written about the Lakes Entrance session here at his blog .

Yes 2 Renewables & community advocates in Morwell back Star of the South

Packed house at the Italian-Australian Club in Morwell to hear about the next steps for the #StarOfTheSouth offshore wind farm proposed for Gippsland South. It has potential to power 1.2mil Victorian homes # #springst #VicClimateSolutions #Gippsnews — Yes 2 Renewables (@Yes2Renewables) September 12, 2019

If it goes ahead, the 2.2 gigawatt Star of the South offshore wind farm proposed east of Port Albert could power as many as 1.2 million homes with clean, renewable energy, create thousands of jobs and presents the opportunity to establish Gippsland as an offshore wind hub.

The Star of the South offshore wind farm has been proposed east of Port Albert

With detailed site investigations set to begin later this year, the company developing the project Offshore Energy presented plans for studying the wind resource and the marine environment. These detailed studies will inform the final design of the proposal, which would need approvals at the state and federal level to go ahead.

You can read more info about the site studies beginning soon here .

A number of experts were on hand to answer questions about the project covering a number of issues including the how the site study will occur, design of the wind farm, the construction process, manufacturing opportunities, planning of transmission associated with the project, and how the regulatory framework might work.

Good to be in Yarram tonight hearing more about the #StarOfTheSouth offshore wind farm Good for the climate & good for jobs, Australia's first offshore wind proposal is attracting a lot of interest in Gippsland, capturing people's imagination #VicClimateSolutions #springst — Yes 2 Renewables (@Yes2Renewables) September 16, 2019

Asked about the potential to establish domestic manufacturing as part of the project at the Woodside session, co-founder of Star of the South Peter Sgardelis said “all options are on the table”, with procurement experts suggesting some components could be sourced locally if there is capacity in the region.

While Australia...
