Remote Wipe on Android: Why & How Companies Should Use It

Remote Wipe on Android

The Android proliferation in the corporate environment is real, more and more Android smartphones, tablets, rugged devices and special-purpose devices are used in the enterprise environment for several business purposes, across diverse industries. As Android devices enjoy huge popularity in the work environment, it is also critical to ensure that these devices are managed to maintain device performance, data security and business continuity.

When we discuss mobility, it is also important to consider the growing amount of personal Android devices used for work. When Android devices are used for work purposes, they contain sensitive information and business data that needs to be safeguarded at all times. In this article, let us learn how to handle threats to corporate data company-owned as well as employee-owned Android devices with remote wipe-off

Remote wipe-off: The need

As enterprises provision corporate as well as BYO Android devices to accelerate employee productivity and business growth, the most critical risk factors are the device and data security. These Android devices hold valuable business data that businesses cannot afford to be tampered with.

Enterprises can enforce several security measures on company-owned devices that are managed using Kiosk Mode in Android , to ensure that the data is not breached such as preventing app installation for protection against malware or blocking access to malicious websites etc.

But yet, there are a few risk factors that can hamper the security of the corporate data. The corporate data on the Android devices used for work is at risk when:

The device is stolen or lost. When the device is no longer in the possession of the employee, it is prone to misuse, unauthorized access by illicit means that are difficult to predict.
When the employees are no longer associated with the organization and their personal devices contain work profiles with business apps and data.

In such cases, the most urgent and crucial action to be taken for protecting corporate data is a remote wipe-off.

What is Remote Wipe-off?

Remote wipe-off is remotely wiping off or deleting the corporate data on the Android device used for work, that is lost or stolen. Remote wipe-off not only deletes the data on the phone storage but also wipes off the data on the business apps as well as the business apps on the device. Scalefusion kiosk app helps in securing corporate data on managed Android devices with a set of features that collectively help in remotely wiping-off the business data and apps.

How does remote wipe-off work on corporate-owned devices:

Scalefusion offers extensive policy settings to protect corporate data, device operations and functions using various management modes such as Android Kiosk mode, single app mode etc. On corporate-owned devices, IT...
