Outdoor Safety Tips Let You Run Like Someone’s Always Home

Gyms are all closed right now, and the outdoor events we love are cancelled for everyone’s safety. We’re all feeling itchy to get outside, whether we spend that time jogging around the block, walking the dog, or just soaking up some sun in the garden. For many people during the world’s response to the coronavirus, this time outdoors may be the one special window when things just feel normal again.

You may only have 30 minutes to an hour each day to yourself. If you’re lucky enough to get that time, what’s the most nurturing thing you could do for yourself? Get out of those four walls and get that fresh air, because each second matters. And believe us: After eating up all those yummy endorphins, your brain will thank you.

So make those seconds count. Just remember to get your steps in safely, protect your home when you leave it, and always take good care of yourself. We’ll give you some “do’s” and “don’ts” to help you find your worry-free workout.

Secure your time outdoors with our do’s and don’ts

Do maintain social distancing. Stick to the CDC’s recommendation for social distancing , even while outside:

Stay at least 6 feet from other people
Do not gather in groups
Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings

The CDC recommends using a cloth face covering if you are in a community setting, especially in settings where you may be near other people.

Do lock up behind you. If you have geo-fencing as part of your security system, you can draw a virtual fence around your house and set a rule to lock the door and arm your system once you get a certain distance away.

Don’t leave without checking heating tools and appliances. Do a quick walk-through of your home to ensure heating tools like clothes irons, curling irons, and space heaters are shut off and unplugged.

Do test your life safety devices. Make sure you have smoke and CO detectors installed, and check that they are working. We recommend professionally monitored smoke and CO devices. When you have Guardian’s protection specialists on the job, not only will you be notified in the event of a fire or another emergency, but our team will jump into action to help you get the assistance you need.

Do stay connected. Trust and believe — we know how go it feels to unplug, but while you’re outside and by yourself is not the time. Bring your smartphone or a smart watch. Send a text to someone you trust letting them know where you will be and when you should be back.

Do wash your hands. We touch our faces a lot when we sweat, so do a thorough 20-second handwashing before and after your time outside.

Don’t post your fitness routine. We know you’re proud of closing those fitness rings on your Apple Watch or hitting your daily step goal on your Fitbit. But don’t post info online that lets everyone know when your house will...
