Why are Internships important for Students?

We have entered the new decade of the 21st century, making it a witness to the rising competition for employment amongst the youth. The job market is competitive, which means that individuals need to be spontaneous and smart workers, in addition to having the experience of working. Various young graduates and students opt for internships, from sites like Internshala , which help them gain the first-hand experience of getting into the job market while developing their professional skills early on.
An internship helps students and freshers use their classroom knowledge into real-life working and understand the power and importance of networking in the corporate world. Having a previous internship experience gives an added advantage to the students during placements and also helps the companies in finding young talent early on. 
While the questions like ‘ why should you be hired for this internship ‘ will be asked while giving interviews for an internship, questions like ‘what did you learn from your previous internship’ will help you ace at the next job interview.

Therefore, it is imperative for one must recognize the importance of an internship in a student’s life.
1. Learn about a workplace’s functioning
The functioning of a workplace cannot be determined until you are a part of the workplace. The workplace culture and working techniques depend on your field, be it media, IT, design, etc. 
Internships assist you, as a student, in learning about workplace culture, employee relations, leadership structure, and why it matters. Yourstory , as a professional, can only be completed with living the actual experience of working.
2. Improve your professional skills
Internships help provide students with the right kind of soft skills they’ll need to excel in a workplace environment. There are many dos and don’t of a professional workspace, which, once learned, can help you ace your place in an organization. 
Students need to understand the perfect blend of formal and casual behavior that makes an office life fun to work at, alongside maintaining the professionalism required in the workplace.
3. Network
Working as an intern can be beneficial to build your professional network, which has a key role in the employment world where various companies hire through referrals. There is a 1 in 16 chance of securing a job via your connections, making networking crucial. 
Multiple startup stories talk about how the core team of a company was formed with previous colleagues and connections, making networking essential for both, starting a business or being part of one.
4. Explore your career aspects
As a student, there is not much you know about what type of job will fit you once you graduate. You might end up with a high paid job in your placements, but what if a few months into...
