Home Theater with PIC16F870

Posted on Sep 1, 2012

This unit is designed to interface: TV sound, videotape sound, and 5.1 dvd sound to a 4 channel home theater system. It provides the following functions/options. Mix DVD center into front left/right for Phantom Center effect with optional boost on center channel (dialog). Mix L-R from stereo signal (rear ambiance) into left and right rear channels. Generate artificial stereo image from mono signal by inserting 5 ms delay in one channel. Provide 5.1 to stereo mixdown for making video tapes from DVDs. Generate 4 channel sound from 2 channel DVDs. This unit incorporates Touch Switch technology (some thumbtacks and a shift register) and LED function readout.

Home Theater with PIC16F870
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Even a mono signal from the TV can be split into stereo images, and remixed for rear channel. This makes the SciFi channel much more interesting. All of the grusome details are availble as usual for the Schematic, and Main Source file also IR reciever Source. The mysterious U10, is an MN3214 1024 stage analog shift register. This part may no longer be available.

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