Furby robot using PIC16F819

Posted on Apr 6, 2012

There are several websites documenting the original Furby circuit board. I decided to replace the original circuit entirely and replace it with a PIC based controller. The mechanism of the Furby itself was designed around micro- controllers. It has one motor that runs the eyes, mouth, and ears in sequence. Two sensors are provided from the motor servo system: one counts off about 200 pulses for the entire sequence, the other is an 'index' pulse that lets you find the start/end of the sequence. Several other sensors are provided including several switches, IR sensor, photo sensor, and microphone. The outputs are to the IR system, motor, and speaker.

Furby robot using PIC16F819
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

A circuit board was cut to a size and shape of the original board. Because of space limitations, wirewrapping was not possible. Point to point wiring using clipped pieces of #30 wire was done by hand. The basic circuit uses-- PIC16F819 microcontroller, FAN8200 H-Bridge (motor driver), 24LC256 serial eeprom (for audio samples), MCP41010 digital potentiometer (used as 8-bit D/A), LM386 speaker driver, IR led (for tachometer sensor), and a mercury tilt switch to sense motion. The current software is rudimentry at this time and will be provided later. So far, the motor drive, tachometer sensor, index sensor, tilt switch, sound eeprom, and audio system have all checked out. This is one of those ongoing projects to see just how smart (wierd) this device may become.

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