6V Ultra-Bright LED Chasers

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

This is a spectacular but completely useless project. It lights Ultra-Bright LEDs in a sequence and each LED flashes brightly very briefly. The LEDs light-up going around and around since they are mounted in a circle (on a CD), then they pause before chasing again. The very brief flash of each LED (15ms) and the pauses (1 second) reduce the averag

6V Ultra-Bright LED Chasers
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

e current so the battery should last a long time. For user convenience, this project has a stepper speed control and a brightness control. At slower speeds and/or reduced brightness, the battery ’s life is extended considerably. At full brightness, the LEDs flash extremely brightly. More than one of this project grouped together occasionally synchronize, lighting the whole room for a moment. At maximum speed, the LEDs don ’t appear to flash, instead they appear to move from one lighted one to the next, around and around. They rotate completely for 4 rotations in two seconds, and then turn off for a one second pause then repeat the sequence. At a lower speed, the number of rotations before the pause is less. It will do three rotations, two or even only one rotation at its slowest speed. A sequence of rotations starts with LED #2 and end with LED #9. The CD74HC4017N high-speed Cmos IC is rated for a maximum supply voltage of 7V. It is rated for a maximum continuous output current of 25mA. In this project, the maximum supply voltage is 6. 4V with brand new battery cells and the 24mA output current is so brief that the IC runs cool. The MC14584BCP* IC (Motorola) is an ordinary 4XXX series ” 3V to 18V Cmos IC, with a very low operating current and low output current. Its extremely high input resistance allows this project to use high value resistors for its timers and oscillators, for low supply current. Its 6 inverters are...

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