ATmega8535 Line Follower Robot

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This is the circuit diagram of Line Follower / Line Tracker robot. The circuit taken from the tutorial documentation. You may download the full tutorial at the end of this article. The line follower robot use 8 pieces of proximity sensor module. The sensor module use photodioda for detecting the reclection of light from the line/floor. The motor d

ATmega8535 Line Follower Robot
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

river L298 able to control the motor with current output up to 2A for single DC motor. For double DC motors, there should be up to 1A for each output channel. This motor driver is very good for small and medium DC motor. L298 is great motor driver for small and medium size or robot such as line follower robot and fire fighter robot. Download the complete line follower robot turotial which containing od schematic diagram, robot design and source code in PDF version (Indonesian language): Tags: atmega8535 circuit, line detector circuit, line follower atmega8535 circuit, motor driver l298 circuit, photodioda circuit, proximity circuit diagram, proximity sensor circuit, Here the complete electrical circuit diagram of line follower robot which built based on ATmega16. There are three modules of line follower robot circuit that are sensor module, microcontroller module and DC motor module. IR sensor schematic diagram: Mainboard (microcontroller + DC motor driver schematic diagram): Download the document of ATmega16 line follower robot tutorial. This is the circuit diagram of white line follower toy. The actuator of the toy is the DC motor. This circuit can be used fora toy car to follow a whiteline, this circuit also known as very simple robot: "line follower without microcontroller". The motor is either a3v type with gearing tosteer the car or. This is a DC motor controller circuit, built using transistor TIP31 based on H-Bridge...

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