Alarm circuit

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This is Fire Alarm using IC TD2002 suite, to identify if there is a fire. This alarm is very important in crowd residential complex, so that we can know earlier. This alarm works if there is a fog that generated by the fire cross the lamp and LDR sensor, so that the incoming light in LDR is reduced, this cause the resist in LDR is higher to genera

Alarm circuit
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te the voltage in COB chip to be on/off to make a sound/alarm. Rangkaian ini adalah Sirine Mobil Polisi Negara Inggris dengan IC 555, di sini kita menggunakan IC yang paling populer di dunia, yaitu IC Clock Generator 555. IC 555 yang berada di sebelah kanan berfungsi sebagai pembangkit nada alarm, dan IC 555 yang berada di sebelah kiri berfungsi sebagai Multivibrator Astable 1 Hz. Keluaran (output) pada IC 555 yang berada sebelah kiri adalah sebagai masukan untuk memodulasikan frekwensi terhadap IC 555 yang berada di sebelah kanan. Hal ini menyebabkan sinyal frekwensi yang dihasilkan bergantian antara 440Hz dan 550Hz dengan rasio putaran sebesar 1Hz. This is Overheat Detector Alarm Switch using Temperature Sensor IC LM35 Electronic Suite Diagram, at the heart of this overhead detector (fire alarm) circuit is a precision integrated temperature sensor type LM35 (IC1), which provides an accurately linear and directly proportional output in mV, over the zero to +155 degrees C temperature range. This can be used as part of fire smoke detectors but do not use it as a home fire alarm system. Here the output of the LM35 is applied to the non-inverting input of a comparator wired around a CA3130 opamp (IC2). A voltage divider network R3-P1 sets the threshold voltage, at the inverting input of the opamp. The threshold voltage determines the adjustable temperature trip level at which the circuit is activated. When the measured...

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