Atmel 89C2051 prototype board

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

This single sided proto board provides an economical solution for developing and testing the projects around Atmel 20 pin series u-controllers (89Cx051 & AVR). Figure 1 shows the circuit diagram of proto board. All port connections are available for user interface around the proto area including the power supply pins. MAX232 serial driver is used

Atmel 89C2051 prototype board
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

to provide a 3 wire RS232 interface for connecting to the PC or other rs232 devices. Switch S1 provide a manual reset to u-controller. For AVR devices the C6 and R2 has to be interchanged, because AVR series have active low reset input also the Vcc point of reset switch S1 has to be connected to GND instead of Vcc, there is a provision on pcb for the selection of reset type for switch S1.

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