Auto Fade Implementation on Audio Signals Project PCB

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

TL072 a low noise JFET input operational amplifier with features such as common-mode input voltage range, high slew rate, operation without latch up, compensated internal frequency, high input impedance at the JFET input stage, low noise, low total harmonic distortion, protected from output short circuit, low input bias and offset currents, wi

Auto Fade Implementation on Audio Signals Project PCB
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de common-mode and differential voltage ranges, and low power consumption * 4011 a quad 2-input NAND gate integrated circuit, generally characterized by small fluctuation in voltage supply, very high impedance, outputs that can sink and source, one output can drive up to 50 inputs, high speed gate propagation time, high frequency, and low power consumption * 4066 a digitally controlled quad analog switch utilizing advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology with features such as individual switch controls, matched switch characteristics, pin and function compatibility, low quiescent current, low ON resistance, wide analog input voltage range, and 15 ns typical switch enable time The operation of the circuit is built about the function of amplifier IC1A that strengthens the signal of microphone by regulating the gain of the unit depending on the needs. The intensity of the sound is adjusted by the potentiometer RV1, which is fed via pins 9 & 10 to the two switches of IC3. The switches are possessing resistance of 10M ohms when no excitation is present while a resistance drop to 300 ohms occurs during excitation which allows the signal to pass through. When the signal reaches a specified level, due to additional strengthening of IC2B via RV2, it will be rectified by D1 & D2. An interrupted DC signal is produced by the circuit in the pattern of IN1 signal and this is being used to change the operation of IC2A and IC2B. The stereo...

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