Automatic Garden Lamp Simple Electronic Circuit Schematic for Turn-on and Turn-off Lamp Automatically

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Adjust value of R1 to get good performance of sensor LDR, if in your practice with 2. 2 M ohm still turn on the lamp you can add value of R1 with the large of 2. 2 M ohm. R1 and R2 is used as voltage divider. R2 is LDR that resistance will change when LDR in the dark or bright condition. And then it will change voltage in R2 as input of gate

Automatic Garden Lamp Simple Electronic Circuit Schematic for Turn-on and Turn-off Lamp Automatically
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

SCR or thyristor. If VR2 is too small SCR will close circuit and VR2 is high SCR will open circuit. SCR or Thyristor is operated with DC voltage 220 DC and will operate like electronic switch with triggered from gate. SCR will open and close depend of voltage from gate terminal. If the circuit and schematic connected with lamp (bulb lamp) and source voltage 220 VAC it will make lamp turn-on and turn-off automatically depend of dark or bright condition. If you interesting with this circuit schematic of automatic garden lamp and want to modified the schematic or PCB layout, we provide you original file of Schematic and Layout PCB that you can download freely. To open this file you can use PCB Wizard software, because we design schematic and PCB layout using PCB Wizard. Figure 3 is sample of PCB Layout that we generated using auto route from PCB Wizard. You also can take Free Download Software PCB Wizard from here.

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