BCD to Decimal Converter Circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Binary Coded Decimal is a number system that only counts from 0 to 9 and then repeats. The table below shows the conversion between the different numbering systems and BCD code. BCD is also called 8421 because the binary LSB counts as a 1, the next bit adds 2, than 4 and the final MSB bit adds 8 to the final numbers. So a BCD 1001 is equal

BCD to Decimal Converter Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

to 8 plus 1 or decimal 9 [as the table shows]. Circuit to convert Binary coded decimal to decimal. Using standard glue logic ICs; note the circuit works regardless of the particular logic standard used, as long as those families can communicate with each other over the same voltage levels. Manufacturers of Standard Glue Logic The true table for the BCD to Decimal Decoder is shown above. The output is active low and counts from 0 to 9 decimal. When all BCD inputs are low `0`, output 0 is low and so on. Note that this circuit only counts to 9, so any input higher than `9` results in all the outputs going high. So even as the inputs continue to change the output remains unchanged in the last six entries. Functionality there is no difference between a 74xx part and a 54xx part. The difference between a 74x and 54x part is their Operating Temperature Ranges. Also refer to a Decimal to BCD Encoder [Binary coded decimal decoder]. There are a number of different ways to represent a logic function. The circuit above shows a different representation than the circuit at the top of the page. Regardless of the logic function the circuit translates a 4-bit BCD code into a 9-bit Binary code.

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