BQ24020 battery charger

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

I am using BQ24020 charger IC to charge 120mAh Li-ion battery. I set the charge current to around 100mA. Attached is the circuit schematic. The problem I am facing is STAT1 and STAT2 signals indicate that battery is fully charged even though battery charge in progress and charging with desired current. I have put voltage divider circuit for status

BQ24020 battery charger
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

signals because the processor works at 2. 8V. Please suggest a solution. By considering battery status monitoring feature, I am planning to select different IC that provides interrupt signal on certain battery level (typically 3. 3V) to indicate low battery. Otherwise I need to poll a signal to monitor the battery level continuously, such activity doesn`t allow processor to sleep draining battery. Please suggest a part which has compact package and takes care of this feature. Also I have requirement of backlight driver for TFT LCD. Backlight contains dual LED (but with common cathods and anode) and requires 30mA at 3. 3V to operate at full intensity. I want control the intensity by using PWM signal coming from processor. The input to the driver is 2. 8V. The efficiency of the driver should be more than 85% and the part should be compact. Please suggest a part. All content and materials on this site are provided "as is". TI and its respective suppliers and providers of content make no representations about the suitability of these materials for any purpose and disclaim all warranties and conditions with regard to these materials, including but not limited to all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement of any third party intellectual property right. TI and its respective suppliers and providers of content make no representations about the suitability...

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