Bar graph LED

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Using a 555 with perhaps a 4029, and I would add a 4511, then connect the pins (using resistors of course), of the bargraph leds, to `a-g` pins of the 4511. To top it all off the graphs I received are all common anode, which is a pain because I`m not too savy like that. I know what a 555 timer is but I wouldn`t have a clue as to wire them with what as was suggested here. Let alone to make it so it increments with each button

Bar graph LED
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press. well, I breadboarded everything but I couldn`t get the damn thing to work. Don`t know if I missed a connection somewhere or what, but no joy all the way. To top it all off the graphs I received are all common anode, which is a pain because I`m not too savy like that. I know what a 555 timer is but I wouldn`t have a clue as to wire them with what as was suggested here. Let alone to make it so it increments with each button press. Sounds great man. At this point it`s more of a learning experience for me than anything else; and if others can learn something to then great! I`ll shoot ya a PM with what I want but in a nutshell I`ve got some anode common LED bar graphs that I`d like to increment with a button. It`s probably easier to wire up than I`m thinking about. Edit: Also, is this a screen prop that will appear on camera It`s slightly easier to do if it is acceptable that the LEDs may shimmer slightly when shown on video. Edit edit: And what d`you want to run it from Three AA cells is easiest from an engineering point of view, as the micro is a 5V device (that will tolerate 4. 5) Thank-you for your offer Hfuy but using logic gates are a great way to learn some circuitry. I`ve got an Arduino but I find the circuits themselves fascinating in their own right and would just love to get a handle on them. One of those crawl before you walk things you know Common anode displays are going to make it slightly more...

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