Bicolour LED flasher circuit

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

Basically this circuit is similar to some flasher circuits already published in using IC555 as a free running multivibrator. The only difference lies in the way it flash using bi-colour LEDs. When output at pin 3 of IC 555 goes high it operates on group of LEDs. By inverting the IC`s low output by pnp transistor BC558 the other group of LEDs is m

Bicolour LED flasher circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ade to flash. AS shown in circuit diagram the LEDs are arranged in alternately reversed order so that a twinkle twinkle little stars  effect is produced. The 100K preset VR1 sets the blinking rate. To maintain simplicity I omitted the current limiting resistor. So, the red and green LEDs may not flash with equal intensity (as they require different threshold voltage).

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