Binary Up Counter Circuit with working animation and simulation video

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

Here we are going to discuss about an Asynchronous 4 Bit Binary Up Counter, a circuit made up of several J-K flip-flops cascaded to generate four bits counting sequence. An up counter is basically a digital counting circuit which counts up in an incremental mode. Here we have given the simple counting circuit setup using 4 flip flops and a simulat

Binary Up Counter Circuit with working animation and simulation video
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ion video for better understanding. For simplicity, an animation outputofelectronic counter sequence is also provided with this article. After reading this article you will be able design Up Counter circuits easily. Watch this video of Binary Up Counter circuit simulation. In this video we have showed the step by step circuit assembly and output working of Digital 4 bit up counter circuit. You can also visit out Video Gallery for other videos.

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