Block Transistor Radio

Posted on Feb 7, 2014

If you prefer a version that is quicker and easier to build, but which doesn`t have quite the same final appearance I highly recommend the Breadboard Six Transistor Radio Kit. It is also slightly cheaper. This is a MW AM transistor radio which can be constructed without soldering using 3A terminal strip. It is a modern response to the 1971 Ladybird Book Radio and works as well

Block Transistor Radio
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as some AM radios that you could buy in a shop. It`s best to read right through the construction notes first before starting out. Why is it called a Choccy Block Radio Kit Choccy-Block is the nickname for the terminal strips on which it is constructed, and they look rather like chocolate bars. I supply a kit of all the electronic parts, wire, terminal blocks, knobs, mounting screws and a cardboard enclosure for this design with wires soldered on to some parts where necessary. I`ve assumed that you have a small screwdriver for the terminal screws, a fine point marker pen, some small wire cutters for trimming the component leads and some means of stripping the insulation from the wire. A craft knife is good for that. You will also need some paper, glue, scissors and sticky tape. It is best to mount up the radio in an enclosure when it is all working. The cardboard container supplied is pretty good to start with, or you might choose to use some other method. The components list has links to photographs that should allow you to make sense of the different values and to identify which leg is which. You need to know about resistor colour codes and you can find that information in many places. It should be possible to build the radio just by looking at the pictures, but later on I`ve included full electronic explanations. If those don`t make any sense, don`t let them put you off just building the circuit. The schematic diagram...

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