Build a Crystal Shortwave Radio

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This project combines two popular themes from radio history ”crystal radios and shortwave (SW) listening. It`s designed from scratch by our non-resident engineer Walter Heskes. Despite all of the advances in modern electronics, there are thousands of crystal sets in daily use throughout the world. The fidelity of tone and clarity of crystal rect

Build a Crystal Shortwave Radio
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

ification are hard to beat. What`s more, crystal sets are absolutely free! A crystal receiver is powered solely by the radio waves that it pulls from the air. We dubbed this inexpensive radio the "EconOceanic" in honor of the legendary Zenith TransOceanic family of shortwave radios. It tunes the AM broadcast band, from. 5 MHz to 1. 6 MHz, and most of the shortwave band, from 1. 7 MHz up to about 17 MHz. There`s plenty of SW activity in these bands, so you`ll hear lots of different voices, a mix of languages, and even music. In addition to powerhouse stations such as the BBC, you`ll also hear non-commercial amateurs, some of whom broadcast using the dits and dahs of International Morse Code. And don`t forget to set your wristwatch by the precise WWV time signals. They appear at exact multiples of 5. 0 MHz across the SW bands. Listen for the calibration beeps and periodic time announcements. We hope you enjoy this project. If you build an EconOceanic, send some email to let us know how it worked out. Walter can be reached at walterh@interworld. com. The large diagrams are designed to print on a standard 8. 5 x 11-inch sheet of paper. Most of them are oriented horizontally for easier reading online. Choose your printer`s "landscape" mode for the horizontal diagrams, to make sure they`ll print on one sheet. Be sure that your printer is set to print at a 1-to-1 ratio, so that the cabinet decal and layout diagram are the correct...

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