CD47 (Rodan) Nixie Tube Clock

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

Build a CD47 Nixie Clock. Power: approx. 100 Watts (some might say `Isn`t it over- engineered`, but you`ll see at the end of that project, that it`s ok. Nixies will be switched off when nobody is around- this will keep them alive as long as possible. The sensors for the detection will be a ECM (microphone) and a radar sensor. As you can see there is nothing to adjust, but the output voltage 170V.

CD47 (Rodan) Nixie Tube Clock
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This can be done by a pot for the test- phase, and later by the CPU by PWM- modulation. I started this website arter already made the experiments with the supply, so I unfortunately have no pictures of the experiments. The output voltage is adjustable from 160 to 180 Volts by the pot (later by the CPU). The Stand- By- Mode also works perfect. When switched to stand by, the 5V- CPU voltage shows no voltage drop, not even any move of the meter. You can short any output, you can leave the output open, you can do what you want. It works. The CD47 tubes may be switched on, when a noise occurs (door opened, TV turned on or something like this). I developed a simple sonic- sensor with an ECM which will be connected to the controller (analog input). I first planned to let it work on the 5V- stand- by- power. But as I use a radar sensor, which needs 12V to work, I planned a small DC-DC (5 to 12V) for the Radar- Sensor and for the Acoustic- Sensor. The CD47 tubes may be switched on, when a movement occurs (door opened, people moving around or something like this). This I`ll solve with a Radar- sensor which will be connected to the controller (digital input). The KMY24 is a radar- sensor which uses the doppler effect. It`s simple to use and provides 2 phase- shifted doppler- signals. The signals run through some filters. As you can see, the first OP Stage is a typical differential amplifier. The second stage also a filter, and the...

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