CSC231 Homework

Posted on Feb 4, 2014

I would like you to generate a diagram showing all the hardware parts you will be using for your project, and how they are connected to each other. This diagram should clearly show the Arduino board as a box with lines going in and out of it, with arrows indicating whether the signals are inputs or outputs, and the pin numbers. Resistors, switches

CSC231 Homework
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

and other parts should be clearly indicated, with their values and part numbers if you have them. Below are several examples, some fancier than others. I have added comments to highlight what is good and what is missing. Use them as guidelines to generate your project diagram/schematics. You will have questions and I do not expect you to know electronics, so do stop by my office or make an appointment to review your diagram. Once I am satisfied that your diagram is safe for the Arduino, you will have the go ahead (as soon as you get the parts) to wire it up and start concentrating on the programming side of the project.

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