Cell Phone Shield with Charger

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The cell phone shield circuit uses two NE555 timer ICs: One as being a very simple astable multivibrator (IC2) and then the 2nd as being a monostable multivibrator (IC3). The astable multivibrator has timing resistors R1 and R2 but no timing capacitor since it operates with stray capacitance. Its pins 6 and 2 are directly joined to a safeguarding

Cell Phone Shield with Charger
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shield built up of 10cmG—10cm copper-clad board. This is the cell phone shield circuit which can be used as mobile charger. Give protection to your cell phone from unexpected use or theft working with this easy circuit. It is able to produce a loud chirping sound when someone tries to take away the mobile handset. The added function is that the circuit. A multivibrator is an electronic circuit used to implement a variety of simple two-state systems such as light emitting diodes, timers and flip-flops. The monostable multivibrator will create a condition: in which one of the states is stable, but the other is not ”the circuit will flip into the unstable state for a determined period, but. This is the schematic diagram of solar powered mobile phone battery charger. The circuit is designed to charge the battery from a source with a lower voltage. Do not use it to charge the battery with the same or lower voltage than the voltage which is generated by the solar panel. For proper operation of. The following diagram is a simple mobile phone battery charger circuit. The design is simple, easy to build and inexpensive. It use LM78xx regulator to make regulated and stable output voltage. Mobile phone chargers offered in the marketplace are quite expensive. The circuit shown right here shows up as a low-cost option to charge cell. Here the circuit diagram of electronic siren based NE555. This circuit produces a sound like factory...

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