Cimbali D/1 circuit hack

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

By design, the pump will stop only if the volume set by the four position selector switch has been reached. Notwithstanding, it will also stop if: From what I think I understand, pressing `Pc` (brew button) sets it `closed` momentarily, sending power to `Ec` (group solenoid), `P` (pump) and `A` (relay coil) which sets `a` (relay contact) to `closed`.

Cimbali D/1 circuit hack
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

This sends power to `Ce` (electronics box) where other relay/s take over, maintaining power to `Ec` (group solenoid), `P` (pump) and `A` (relay coil) after `Pc` returns to `open` when you let it go. Pressing `Pc` (brew button) again while the pump is working will not do anything as `a` (relay contact) will remain `closed` till the water level set by `Cd` (coffee dose selector) is met. My M30 Dosatron operates in the same way. Each group has 5 buttons - 4 dosing and one off/on. In order to stop a preset dose you have to press the off/on button and not the dose button you pressed to initiate it. My La Spaziale Rapid EK operates differently. You can start and stop any dose with the same button or the off/on button. I`m not sure why Cimbali opted this route but if there is a way to modify it to operate like the LaSpaz then I would love to try it out. To the extent of, when I first installed it, automatically and without a second thought insisting on stopping the brew by hitting the brew button a second time as I saw it go blonde. Still haven`t found another solution for the problem. But have encountered another problem. According to the manual (one sent to me through mail by Jorgen) backflushing has to be done by switching of the machine during a shot. This of course because there is no shot interruption. The second time I did this my boiler would not stop filling. A problem I still haven`t managed to solve. The solenoid valve...

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