Command Transmitter-Receiver

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

The Command Transmitter-Receiver (A3023) is intended to test the command receiver we propose for the ISL (Implantable Sensor with Lamp) in our Conceptual Design. The A3023 is a LWDAQ Device in two parts. The Command Transmitter section contains a 146-MHz (2-m band) VCO, RF amplifier, and RF switches to provide 100% amplitude modulation. The Comm

Command Transmitter-Receiver
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and Receiver section contains a tuner circuit, a demodulator, a comparator, and two indicator lamps. Figure: Command Transmitter (A3023CT) in Enclosure. ON is a blue lamp that indicates when the RF power is on. POWER is a green lamp indicated circuit power is connected. RUN is a yellow lamp that indicates a stimulus program is running. INTERVAL is a re lamp that flashes at the end of a stimulus interval. The Command Transmitter (A3023CT) provides a BNC output for its RF power, and a LWDAQ device socket through which we can control the two RF switches and power to the RF amplifier. It provides a BNC input to modulate its VCO. By applying a 5-V triangle wave to the SWEEP input, the A3023CT will provide a near-linear sweep of 146 ±50 MHz. The A3023CT responds to LWDAQ commands with the same interface as the Lamp Controller A2060L, so that it`s 146-MHz power output flashes on and off just as a lamp would flash on and off. The blue indicator lamp on the A3023CT flashes to indicate the RF power is on. Figure: Command Transmitter (A3023CT) with Flexible Antenna. Here we see the A3023CT driving an antenna through a 2-dB attenuator, and stimulating an Implantable Lamp (A3024A). The 2-dB attenuator is necessary to stabilize the A3023CT power amplifier when driving a poorly-behaved load like an antenna. This arrangement supplies 100 mW (20 dBm) of 146 MHz RF power to the antenna, and is useful for testing Implantable Lamp circuits....

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